Two examples of modern recycling

It is hardly a surprise that recycling is placed high upon the political agenda. From manufacturers to end consumers alike, we are all asked to chip in and here are some examples on how. 

The change in transportation

Most of us were sceptic when the first Teslas were introduced. Electric cars, as in a cars on batteries? It just seemed impossible and the miles you got from one charge was simply not good enough – especially considering that it was impossible to find a place to recharge the car. 

Not anymore. Today’s infrastructure caters to the need of car owners who drive electrical cars, and a lot of money can be saved by switching from the fossil fuels to electricity. Across Europe there is even talk of fossil free zones in the cities, where it will be forbidden to drive petrol cars in the near future. 

The public transportation is also getting greener. A lot of busses are electrical too, and even in the industry you will see refuse collection trucks running on biofuel. 

It is all a big step in the right direction, and one that the modern consumer seems to accept and even welcome. Electric cars are still not perfect, but we are heading in the right direction. 

Scrap handling and material sorting

Recycling has never been so time relevant as now. With statistics showing us how our carbon footprint actually looks if we include our consumerism, such as new phones, clothing and luxury buys, we will have to get familiar with the idea of spending less and recycling even more at some point. 

Thankfully, we are seeing how even high-tech recycling cranes can sort and grab various types of recyclable materials, such as metals, plastics, paper, and more. The goal is to make house building even greener in a near future as many materials can be used. We are already witnessing a trend where people settle for much smaller houses and small nitty spaces – as a statement rather than an economic limitation in terms of buying a bigger house, that is! 

The consumers choose to live in ways that are in tune with their beliefs as humans. This also means that there has been a rise in businesses who deal with refurbished electronics and businesses who use a waste product to start a whole new business that eliminates the waste. Examples of this is used, ground coffee being turned into soap bars and body scrubs as well as pallets and cable drums being tweaked and sold as patio furniture.